Discussing Cutting Edge Handmade Couture Bow Tie

By Timothy Taylor

Alright, we are up on the second re write so we better make this worth it. We already used up all our pretty words from the previous two documents, so this is a bit of a problem for us. Any ideas how to be flowery with words? Well, we are writers, so that should be easy. But if we keep doing it all the time, it might be a bit of a hassle, to be honest. Oh well, we finished the first paragraph already so here is Cutting Edge Handmade Couture Bow Tie.

While she can be capable in socializing whenever she deems fit, she would rather be stuck at home reading, writing and sleeping. As such, she found a job that fit the bill and will only leave when it was time for her pay day. Or until one of the guys drag her off somewhere.

Just a little bit. And even though he knows there is something going on between her and Roa, he does not mind.Nathan is not much better because he actually is pretty obvious about his crush. And he is not even ashamed to admit it to anyone. Even towards Arin herself.

We could see him always asking her out on dates, which she cluelessly would agree to just because she has a weakness for the twins. And he takes full advantage of that.The twins sometimes rotate their crushes.

Arthur is the clingy one, who we always find having latched on to anyone he sets his eyes on. Because he lives on skin ship and affection, he always made it a point to have a hug and cuddle quota for every day. As often as he could, he has to hug each and every one at least two times per day and stick to them for more than three minutes.

The typical introvert, next to Arin. Though she is much nicer and well managed in the head than Arin is. She always gets too excited when Ivan visits.Right now, she and Ivan have established this polyamorous relationship with Marishka and both the boyfriend and girlfriend of Marishka.

Nathan and Arthur see this but they, often than not, encourage her because they all know what her issue is. Maybe it was fortunate, or unfortunate, that she and Roa have known each other since they were young, because to Arin, Roa is her mental pillar at the same time, her trigger.Ivan is more like a dad to them.

Because he and Nathan are originally from Belgium, they have put on a hobby of fighting on the side. Originally, it was a way to steam out their energy and anger after their own father left their mother for a tavern whore. But over time, especially after meeting Union, they picked up on troublemaking.

Roa, on the other hand, can be angelically handsome with his eyes that warm up with his gummy smile. Or a seductive demon whose smirk can melt anyone he has his eyes on. He does not pick a gender either, because he likes both. But in the end, the twins know that his eyes are only ever reserved for his childhood best friend.

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