Fun And Profits In Pick Your Own Berries

By Edward Howard

In this concrete jungle, if you want to stock some fresh produce and other farm products, it seems that there is no way to go except the grocery store. Miles away to the little towns, there are also farmers markets. There is one oft overlooked option, though, which is the Pick Your Own Berries Cleveland.

Agritainment and Agritourism are newly coined words. That is because they have only gone into the mainstream in recent decades. These enterprises are all about diversifying the operations of your farm. That is, you are not just limiting it to planting and harvesting purposes, but are also expanding it in newfangled ways that would jack up your profits and also provide entertainment to the general public.

Pick Your Own, abbreviated PYO and alternatively called U Pick, is a kind of strategy that directly markets to the consumers, since they themselves are the ones that do the harvesting. That also hands an on hand income to the farmer, who has the proceeds even before the customer leaves the farm. The advantages in this enterprise are two way, or mutual, for both farmer and consumer.

U Pick farms offer a whole host of choices to pick out, from apples, cherries, plums, peaches, and potatoes. The most popular pitches are those on berries, however. A berry is a small, pulpy, edible fruit. In the typical sense, they are rounded, juicy, sour or sweet, and also brightly colored. Under its category are strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and red, black, and white currants.

One cant just arrive unannounced in this places, though. There are the special calendars you must consult to identify the kinds of fruits available in season. Intuitively enough, thats because theres the whimsy and vagaries of the climate to contend with. Raspberries can only be harvested in July, and strawberries are at their prime condition in June. Blueberries are all good in late August, et cetera.

PYOs are a literally a treasure trove of benefits and advantages. For one, this direct form of sale precludes other operating costs, as in transportation, packaging, and even seasonal labor. This is also beneficial to the consumer since the prices will be lower when compared to store bought purchases.

The farmer or producer also has considerations to take into account. This comes in the form of all the needed business permits and liabilities. Marketing and management knowhow are not just advantages per se but are also must haves. One also has to be innovative and creative enough to further diversify the operations in this field. For the extra produce, there would have to be ways to innovate it, as with turning them into jam, jelly, preserves, pies, and cakes.

For the farmer, there are caveats to keep in mind, though. As soon as you allow the general public inside your premises, you are also inviting in liability considerations. Moreover, this might be a nonproductive business for those who are otherwise equipped but are not advantageously located. It goes without saying that the venue has to be easily and safely accessible. The producer would also have to be methodical because he has to take into account what to do with all the surplus produce. Perhaps he can cook, freeze, smoke, can, preserve, turn them in to jam or jelly, and then sell them. One has to have topnotch management and marketing skills in order to succeed in this field.

There are advantages to be gleaned literally from all angles and corners. On top of the health benefits, one also gets to bond both his family and with the nature. It is a learning opportunity for kids, and more pragmatically, it proffers patronization for the local farming economy.

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